Dept. Pediatrics

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Dept. Pediatrics

Department of Pediatric Dentistry

Department of Pediatric Dentistry was founded in 1984.

Our department provides dental care for child patients under the age of 18, including those with special health care needs. In the headquarter of hospital, pediatric clinic contains 10 chairs in open design. A team of experts is consisted of 14 dentists and 12 nurses.

We offer a full range of dental services including:

·Prevention and treatment for early childhood caries

·Restorative treatment

·Pulp therapy of primary and young permanent dentition

·Periodontal treatment of the pediatric patient

·Treatment under conscious sedation

·Prevention and interception of malocclusion (Occlusion Guidance)

·Space maintenance and regaining

·Treatment of traumatic injuries to the dentition

·Prosthodontic treatment of the adolescent patient

·Minor surgery for pediatric patient

Tel: 0531-88382852

(Working day:8:00-11:30,14:00-17:30)